Pharmacy MCQ

pcanimation (1)

Mahmoud Youssef  ®
-Which of the following is the best drug of choice in emergency sever hypertension case, by infusion route ?
a) enalapril
b) potassium nitroprusside
c) alkapress
d) lactans

primpran is safe in pregnant while Navidoxine is not.
a) true
b) false
give reason for your choice and write other pregnant safe antiemetic drugs found in your pharmacy

-which of the following cause hyperkalemia after prelonged administration?
a) spironolacton
b) lazix
c) coptopril
d) ezapril

weakly acidic drugs are more excreated by …
a) alkalanization of urine
b) acidification of the urine


– metoclopromide drug is added to paracetamol to induce gastric motility .
a) true
b) false


Miosis is a medical term that describes:
a) constriction of the pupil
b) dilation of the pupil
c) pain of the pupil
d) inflammation in the pupil

A doctor suggested to a couple not to have more than one child because of
(a) Rh+ male Rh- female
(b) Rh- male Rh+ female
(c) Rh+ male Rh+ female
(d) Rh- male Rh- female

Which of the following statement about insulin is true.
A. Insulin is a hormone
B. Insulin is a protein
C. Insulin is secreted by the islets of langerhans
D. Insulin is rapidly distributed thoughout extracellular fluid

All of the following drugs are believed to undergo significant first-pass hepatic biotransformation, except
(a) Phenytoin
(b) Lidpcaine
(c) Morphine
(d) Nitroglycerine

If a man is Rh+ and woman Rh-
(a) Their first child will die
(b) No child will be born
(c) the first child will survive
(d) All the children will survive

  • What are symptoms of an ear infection?
    A)Trouble hearing and fever
    B) Fluid drainage and dizziness
    C) Congestion in the ear
    D) All of the above

    What are symptoms of an ear infection?<br /><br />
A)Trouble hearing and fever<br /><br />
B) Fluid drainage and dizziness<br /><br />
C) Congestion in the ear<br /><br />
D) All of the above</p><br />
<p>Mahmoud Youssef

Men have stronger bones than women
A. True
B. False


patient comes to your pharmacy and complains from bad odour or itching in her vagina!
what should you do ?


which vitamin needed to prevent xeropthalmia
1) vit A
2) vit C
3) vit K
4) vit E

What does lipase digest?
A Carbohydrates
B Glucose
C Fats
D Starch

1-Which is most abundant immunoglobulin
2-Which is trans-placental cross one
(a) Ig A
(b) Ig D
(c) Ig G

A 44-year-old obese male has a significantly high level of plasma triglycerides. Following treatment with one of the following agents, his plasma triglyceride levels decrease to almost normal. Which agent did he receive?
a. Neomycin
b. Lovastatin
c. Cholestyramine
d. Gemfibrozil

Dental analgesic herbal drug?
(A) Cocoa
(B) Tulsi
(C) Cardamom
(D) Clove

What is the most common complication of flu?
A) Epistaxis
B) Pneumonia
C) Gastroenteritis
D) Dehydration

Toothpaste is generally :
A. Acidic
B. Basic
C. Amphoteric
D. All

statins → to reduce cholesterol
fibrates → to reduce triglyceride

1) true
2) false

Which one of the following is a common early side effect of Penicillin?
a) Constipation
b) Loss of appetite
c) Orthostatic hypotension
d) Atrioventricular block

A blood group has both A and B antigens but no antibodies, It is
(a) A
(b) O
(c) AB
(d) B

1). Cardiac cycle complete is..??
1.0.4 sec.
2.0.9 sec.
3. 0.8 sec.
4.none of these

During inflammation which of the following is secreted by connective tissue
(a) Heparin
(b) Serotonin
(c) Glucagon
(d) Histamine

King of Chemicals
a) Ammonia
b) Sulphuric Acid
c) Chloroform
d) Hydrochloric acid

Patient with muscle weakness, decreased reflexes. There is also history of diarrhea. What could be the cause?
a) Hyponatremia
b) Hyperkalemia
c) Hypercalcemia
d) Hypokalemia

Treatment of Hypertension in pregnant woman?
c-Methyl dopa
d-All above

The drug of choice in treating beta blocker overdose is:

A. atropine
B. adrenaline
C. dopamine

Rheumatoid can be treatment with?
a-Gold derivatives drugs
b-Platinum derivatives drugs
c-Silver derivatives drugs
d-None of the above

scurvy is a disease caused by ?
1) vit D deficiency
2) vit K deficiency
3) vit C deficiency
4) calcium deficiency

Gestational diabetes occurs…
A———–During pregnancy
B————–After a bout with shingles
C————-At birth
D————-After menopause

which effervescent drug of choice for treatment each of the following :

1) urea salt ……
2) oxalate salt …..
3) phospate salts …….

The study of antigen-antibody interaction is called
(a) serology
(b) haematology
(c) Angiology
(d) Radiology

Blood is an example of liquid connective tissue
A. True
B. False


Deficiency of insulin in the body will lead to
B,increased fat catabolism
C,protein anabolism

Which is involved in body defence?
(a) Neutrophils
(b) Macrophages
(c) Lymphocytes
(d) All the above

Often seen with diabetes, ______________ refers to a disease of the nerves that function automatically.

A——-Autonomic neuropathy
B——–Visceral neuropathy
C——–Both of the above

Familial Mediterranean fever ( FMF ) diagnosed by …

1) biopcy
2) blood analysis
3) PCR

Which hormone is called body’s Natural Analgesic?
a- Epinephrine
b- Endorphin
c- Relaxin
d- Prostaglandin

Which antibiotic is more powerful for Respiratory diseases.
1. Azythromysin
3. Sulbactum.

Most common chronic symptom of PID is :
a. Pelvic pain
b. Dysuria
c. Fever
d. Discharge

where are villi not found ?
1) colon
2) ileum
3) duodenum
4) jejunum

which chemical is known simply ” hormone of love ”
1) pitocin
2) testosterone
3) oxytocin
4) estrogen

 Which one of the following is least likely to develop paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity following overdose?

A. 45 y old male alcoholic
B. 20 y female on antiTB medication.
C. 18 y male with AIDS

The normal pH of the blood
A. 7.4-7.45
B. 6.7-6.9
C. 5.5-6.6
D. 4.8-8

Insulin Storage at?
a-0 °C
b-4-8 °C
c-24 °C
d-25 °C

Discoloration of teeth is caused by??

we can use paracetamol as antipyretic if the patiant is 38.5 degree .
a) true
b) false
and give reason for your choice ?

Which antiboitic is safe in pregnancy?
1. Cephradine
2. Ciprofloxacine.
3. Ampicilline.

All are contraindicated with favism patients EXCEPT ….
a) sulpha drugs
b) chloramphinachol
c) amoxicillin
d) quinolons

  • Most common chronic symptom of PID is :
    a. Pelvic pain
    b. Dysuria
    c. Fever
    d. Discharge

  • Most common chronic symptom of PID is :
    a. Pelvic pain
    b. Dysuria
    c. Fever
    d. Discharge

Pharmacy act was passed in the year
a. 1948
b. 1949
c. 1956
d. 1965

a transplacenta immunoglobulin ?
A. IgG
B. IgA
C. IgM
D. IgD

an immunoglobulin secrets in milk secretion ?
A. IgG
B. IgA
C. IgM
D. IgD

Estrogen acts as…….. during menstrual cycle
c) both
d) none

short acting bronchodilator which is selective β2 agonist for treatment of acute bronchospasm ? and write it’s trade name?
1) salmeterol
2) Formoterol
3) albuterol
4) clonidine

which drug of choice for treatment of hypertension in presence of bronchial asthma ?
1) propranolol
2) timolol
3) nebivolol
4) nadolol


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